Friday, October 30, 2009

Los Angeles adopts Google e-mail system

The city of Los Angeles recently decided to use Google’s email system. From what I've seen, the reaction to this news is fairly divided.

Some view this as a mistake. Some view this as a catastrophe waiting to happen. They believe entrusting the data, emails, and information of such a large city is a security risk.

I see it as a city government stepping out and embracing technology in an effort to save money. At $50/user per year, Google's business email offers a substantial savings over your typical enterprise email solution. Considering the financial problems in California, coupled with the data-breach amendment included in the contract, I think this is a great move and one that others could learn from.

What do you think?


Anonymous 11:44 AM  

We've considered it: can we really afford the kind of high availability hardware, high quality spam filter, and professional skills on staff to provide truly secure and effective email service?

I liken it to having an e-commerce site: yes, you can do it yourself - but will you actually be able to do a good job?

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