Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Can't Find a Parking Spot? Get out your cell phone!

Sometimes it's difficult to see beyond our current solutions to the future. You've probably already looked at each Web application ten different ways, trying to make it more user-friendly, faster, better looking, more complex, less complex...but have you really turned it on its side?

Take, for example, a city government. Where would wireless technology possibly apply there?

Well...what if your citizens could pay their parking tickets via their cell phone? Instant revenue. No lag time. What if users could pay for meters that way as well? Think of the labor saved on changing meters, money saved on paper tickets.

That's coming, and so much more. For example, here's what will happen in a few years when you can't find a parking spot.

Data driven Web applications are only beginning to make their mark on how we live our lives. Where can you take yours?


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