m-Painter, how do I love thee?
Let me count the top five ways...
We just announced a new feature of m-Power today: m-Painter, and I have to say...it's really cool. It can turn you into a Web designer with zero effort.
You can now easily incorporate elements like your corporate logo, a color scheme or an alternative layout, no matter what your level of Web expertise. Basically anything you want to do to the presentation layer of your applications can now be done with just a drag and drop of your mouse.
m-Painter is so much cooler than other painting alternatives... here are the top 5 ways:
1. There is nothing to download or deploy. It is entirely browser-based.
2. It hits the Productivity Sweet Spot for end-users and developers because of two modes: WYSIWYG and plain text editor. You can toggle back and forth and make alterations in the mode you feel most comfortable.
3. You can preview changes with live data without any web server reload delay before saving/deploying.
4. There is a thorough integration of WYSIWYG mode and mrc templates, allowing you to get creative with the look of your applications.
5. This browser-based solution is a built-in feature of the mrc interface and requires no mapped drive or special security.
If you'd like to learn more about how you can incorporate this new benefit, just fill out this form.
Or, for further information on features, you can get a basic overview here.
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