Thursday, January 19, 2006

50% confess their enterprises make poor decisions...

...because users can't get enough good information.

This 2006 reader poll from Intelligent Enterprise magazine turned up a lot of interesting statistics, including the following:

  • 47% of IE readers have killed enterprise application projects because they couldn't quantify potential productivity gains
  • 65% are wary of deploying IT systems
  • 62% fault vendors for lack of business data/application integration and version alignment

Here's an excerpt from the article:

"Should organizations turn away from further BI investments? Hardly..."The challenges facing us include effective data integration, implementations that span multiple hardware and software platforms, use of multiple BI tools and differences in architectures," says Steven Dempsey, senior technical specialist at Washington Mutual and a survey respondent."

And here's an example of the kind of a BI application that you can build today that alleviates that problem by working with any packaged software and spanning multiple hardware and software platforms. NOTE these capabilities:

  • You can roll your mouse over the pie graph to see revenue
  • You can drill down through each of the product categories to see what products shipped in 2005, noting their revenue, profits and margins
  • You can even click on the product image for the details on each item shipped.

Here's the full Intelligent Enterprise article.


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