Monday, October 30, 2006

Boo! Happy Halloween: 25 IT Horror Stories

In the spirit of Halloween, here's an article from CIO magazine on their top 25 IT horror stories, and if it doesn't serve to frighten, it might serve to offer some cautionary tales...

(oh...and you might want to turn on your speakers...)

CIO Magazine: 25 IT Horror Stories

Friday, October 20, 2006

Business App Tip #2: Incorporate outside technologies to strengthen your apps

We're always talking about the importance of flexibility, but we're usually talking about platform or database flexibility and how you can access any database or create apps to run on any operating system (or systems) you choose.

But another area that you should pay attention to is also an "internal flexibility" or the ability to pull in outside technologies and resources to further extend your application capabilities with the latest and greatest capabilities.

Here's a quick article on some of the benefits.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Penny for your thoughts? How about a Harvard white paper?

We really appreciate your thoughts and insights. It help us keep our blog posts, articles, and newlsetters relevant to you. So, we'd really appreciate your help once again, and we're not above bribery...ahem...I mean, incentives.

If you fill out this quick survey, we'll forward you this helpful white paper from the Harvard Business School: Why IT matters in mid-size companies, exploring how IT capability is the key to profitable business growth.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Are Enterprise Apps on the way out?

Apparently, at least according to this article from CIO Magazine, IT execs feel that most business functions can benefit from automation, but data integration problems must first be solved. That means stepping toward SOA and Web services—and away from suites like CRM and ERP.

However, that task needn't be daunting, or all at once..

You can integrate data from disparate sources by either creating custom applications that access multiple databases, or by copying data from one database to another, and when they are built with the right architecture, moving them over to SOA and Web services is a simple next step, rather than an enterprise-wide ordeal.

Friday, October 13, 2006

2 minute power learning: mPowerPod meets Open Template Technology

This week's 2 minute mPowerPod sheds light on Open Template Technology.

Find out what Open Template Technology is, where it can benefit you, and where to find it in this short and sweet two-minute podcast.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Introducing 2 minutes of power learning...the m-Powerpod.

What is the m-PowerPod, you ask?

Well, it's a podcast designed to provide fact-filled tidbits on technology, web applications, special features, and business benefits...all in under two minutes.

This first mPowerPod is the definitive mPowerPod intro of who we are and what we do...and also gives you an idea of how quick these mPowerPod's really are!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

10 commandments of project management

Project management is always a challenge in one way or another, but there are ways to smooth your path.

By following these 10 commandments from ComputerWorld, you will have a much better chance of being successful in the long term.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Web Tip #9: How cascading style sheets work

Not totally familiar with cascading style sheets? Here are the basics...

Cascading style sheets are the best way to get (and retain) a professional look for your Web site, and also the easiest way to apply and maintain that look on the pages throughout your site.

Here's a quick look at the elements involved.

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